Helping a bike repair startup Yeply to scale across Europe.

  • 2 min reading time
Helping a bike repair startup Yeply to scale across Europe. - Framme

Yeply is a Helsinki-based startup founded in 2016 that is taking Europe’s bicycle maintenance industry by storm. As they grow, ensuring their customer and brand experience is seamless in all their locations is a must. Read on to find out how they bring their A-game across Europe and do it sustainably, too.

Keeping things consistent – from Amsterdam to Helsinki.

With their operations spanning the length of Europe, and Yeply mechanics servicing over 100 cities in Germany alone, Yeply recognised the challenge of keeping their customer service and brand experience consistent and smooth.

''Currently, we have 60 bike mechanics and very soon we’ll have hundreds! We want to look professional and ensure that our customers always receive the consistent, stellar service they deserve”, says Yeply's head of Brand Tommi Särkkinen.

As a company that is rapidly growing and expanding, Yeply needs to at times order hundreds of t-shirts and other garments in one go, to clothe their mechanics and operations team and ensure they make it to multiple locations. Doing this manually and via email gets pretty complicated as their headcount increases.

With the help of Framme's Own Brand Store solution, Yeply can order everything from work clothes to tents and deliver the tiptop service they are famous for anywhere they operate. Now, all Yeply’s city managers need to do is log into a single software and everything can be ordered through Sam and the Brand’s supplier network.

“This saves us time and simplifies processes. Our employees can deliver the same Big Mac, no matter the location”, Tommi describes the consistency of their customer experience.

“Framme saves us time and simplifies processes. Our employees can deliver the same Big Mac (Yeply's branded items), no matter the location” – Tommi Särkkinen, Head of Brand at Yeply

A greener way

At Yeply, everything comes down to sustainability and taking responsibility as a business in ensuring a better tomorrow. This also means thinking about the lifecycle of their promotional products. After all, everything from the clothes to the marketing material they order for their business will eventually turn into trash. “This is something everyone should be thinking about. At Yeply, we want to make sure that everything we order is sustainably and ethically sourced and manufactured and can be recycled after use”, Tommi emphasises.

With a mission centred around bringing green alternatives to the market, finding a branded asset partner who matches these values and is also invested in sustainability throughout their supply chain is a no-brainer. Framme fit the bill. "As a startup, things develop quickly. We have an open line of communication with Framme, which is valuable as we grow. They bring everything, even complex things, under one roof. They’re really nice folks and it’s fun to work with them.”

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